Beginning of Year Procedure

NOTE: The Accounts Payable Encumbrance Clerk must complete the Create New Fiscal Year and Rollup Expenditure Classification steps before the Payroll Clerk can start their beginning year procedures.


Navigating Between Fiscal Years

In order to complete the Beginning of Year Procedure, it is necessary to know how to navigate between the prior fiscal year and the new fiscal year. Use the steps below as needed in order to move between the fiscal years.


i-PR/Options/Fiscal Year

A.       Use the drop-down list box to choose the appropriate fiscal year. The application will load the new fiscal year based on the selection.



1. Tasks to perform



Create Default Pay Periods

Create default pay periods in the new fiscal year before proceeding to the next step in the rollover procedure. NOTE: Verify you are in the NEW fiscal year before creating default pay periods in the new year.


i-PR/Options/Setup/Pay Periods

A.       Click Create Default Pay Periods.

B.       The Fiscal Year field will default to the new fiscal year.

C.       Check all applicable Schedule Type checkboxes:

a.       Monthly

b.       Semi-Monthly

c.        Bi-Weekly

i.         If you use a Bi-Weekly schedule, select the 2 months which will have 3 Pay Periods. All other months will have 2 Pay Periods.

d.       Weekly

i.         If you use a Weekly schedule, select the 4 months which will have 5 Pay Periods. All other months will have 4 Pay Periods.

D.      Click Create Pay Periods to create the pay periods in the new fiscal year.

Rollup Fringe Codes

Rollup fringe codes to the new fiscal year. NOTE: Verify you are in the PRIOR fiscal year before you rollup fringe codes to the new year.


i-PR/Options/Tools/Rollup Fringe Codes

A.       Click Continue to roll all fringe codes from the current fiscal year to the next fiscal year.

B.       A confirmation screen will appear if the fringe codes were successfully rolled into the next fiscal year.




Rollup Deduction Codes

Rollup deduction codes to the new fiscal year. NOTE: Verify you are in the PRIOR fiscal year before you rollup deduction codes to the new year.


i-PR/Options/Tools/Rollup Deduction Codes

A.       Click Continue to roll all deduction codes from the current fiscal year to the next fiscal year.

B.       A confirmation screen will appear if the deduction codes were successfully rolled into the next fiscal year.

Rollup Statutory Items

Rollup statutory items to the new fiscal year. NOTE: Verify you are in the PRIOR fiscal year before you rollup statutory items to the new year.


i-PR/Options/Tools/Rollup Statutory Items

A.       Click Continue to roll all statutory items from the current fiscal year to the next fiscal year.

B.       A confirmation screen will appear if the statutory items were successfully rolled into the next fiscal year.

Employee Detail Listing

Run this report in the prior fiscal year so it can be used when verifying the employee’s data later in the beginning of year procedures. NOTE: Verify you are in the PRIOR fiscal year before you run this report.


                i-PR/Options/Reports/Employee Detail Listing

A.       Select the appropriate Fund(s).

B.       Select the appropriate Schedule Type.

C.       Select the appropriate Process Groups.

D.      Print and Save the report.

E.       Repeat for all Funds and Schedule Types.

Inactivate Employees

It is important to inactivate any necessary employees to prevent them from rolling into the new year as an active employee with payroll details. Choose from the options below for i-Personnel users and Non i-Personnel users. NOTE: If an End Date is entered, it will inactivate the employee in both Payroll and Personnel and could cause issues if the i-PS End of Year Procedures have not been completed.


i-Personnel Users – Uncheck Active Box:

i-PR/Employee Maintenance

A.       Select the employee from the Employee Maintenance Grid.

B.       Choose the Permanent and General Tabs in the employee record.

C.       Uncheck the Active box in the employee General Tab and Save.


Non i-Personnel Users – Enter End Date:

                i-PR/Employee Maintenance

A.       Select the employee from the Employee Maintenance Grid.

B.       Click Edit in the Employee Header grid in the top right corner.

C.       Enter an End Date and Save.


Rollup Employees

Rollup employees to the new fiscal year. NOTE: Verify you are in the PRIOR fiscal year before you rollup employees to the new year.


                i-PR/Options/Tools/Rollup Employees

A.       Leave Employees blank to rollup all employees or enter the employee number separated by a comma to rollup employees individually.

B.       Select the From Fund.

C.       Select the To Fiscal Year.

D.      Select the To Fund in which to rollup the selected employees.

E.       Click Continue.

F.       A confirmation screen will appear if the employees were successfully rolled into the next fiscal year.

G.      Rollup all applicable employees for each Fund.



2. Data to verify



Verify Employee Details

It is important to verify employee details copied correctly to the new year before processing the first payroll or making changes to employee salary. NOTE: Verify you are in the NEW fiscal year to validate employee details.


Employee Detail Listing

Run the employee detail listing to verify the employee details correctly rolled into the new year.


i-PR/Options/Reports/Employee Detail Listing

A.       Select the appropriate Fund(s).

B.       Select the appropriate Schedule Type.

C.       Select the appropriate Process Groups.

D.      Print and Save the report.

E.       Print for all Funds and Schedule Types.


Verify the Employee Detail Listing Reports

Compare and verify that appropriate changes have been made and the data copied correctly between the fiscal years by using the PRIOR year and NEW year Employee Detail Listing Reports.


A.       Verify the Years Experience.

B.       Verify the Salary Lines.

C.       Verify the Deductions & Fringes.

D.      Verify the Allocations if, applicable.

E.       Verify the Oklahoma Benefits.



3. Update setup and employee information



Update Deduction Codes

i-PR/Options/Setup/Deduction Codes

A.       Verify the Deduction Codes are set with appropriate information in the new year.

B.       To make changes, click Edit to update applicable information and Save.

Update Fringe Codes

i-PR/Options/Setup/Fringe Codes

A.       Verify the Fringe Codes are set with appropriate information and verify the Certified and Support Object codes are accurate in the new year.

B.       To make changes, click Edit to update applicable information and Save.


Update Oklahoma Statutory Benefits

Update all applicable Payroll setup information in the new fiscal year before processing the first payroll. (i.e., Federal Matching Teacher Retirement Percentages, TR Fringes, TR Fringe Max)


i-PR/Options/Setup/Oklahoma Statutory Benefits

A.       Select each tab to view and verify information is accurate.

B.       To make changes, click Edit to update all applicable information and Save.


Update Employee Information

Update employee salary, Oklahoma benefit and deduction information in the new fiscal year before processing the first payroll. Creating customized payroll reports can help with locating specific employee information. (i.e., Max Amounts, FBA Begin/End Pay Periods, Coding, Deduction/Fringes) NOTE: If using the i-Personnel application, there is a tool called Transfer Salaries that can assist with this process. For more information see the i-PS Beginning of Year Procedures.


NOTE: We have created training videos to demonstrate how to easily customize Payroll reports to help assist with filtering for specific employee information.

Ø  How To Customize An Employee Detail Listing (access video directly through the application: i-PR/

        Home Screen/Training Videos Link/Ctrl+F keys/Search for ‘Customize An Employee Detail Listing’)

Ø  How To Customize An Employee Earnings Audit (access video directly through the application: i-PR/

        Home Screen/Training Videos Link/Ctrl+F keys/Search for ‘Customize An Employee Earnings Audit’)

Ø  How To Customize A Deduction And Fringe Register (access video directly through the application: i-PR/

Home Screen/Training Videos Link/Ctrl+F keys/Search for ‘Customize A Deduction And Fringe Register’)


i-PR/Options/Employee Maintenance

A.       Select the employee from the Employee Maintenance grid.

B.       Verify the Permanent Tab is selected for each category.


General Tab

A.       Update Process Group, Additional FWH or Additional SWH information if necessary and Save.

Oklahoma Benefits Tab

A.       Update Teacher Retirement Fringe and Fringe Max if necessary and Save.

B.       Update TR State Credit Years Experience if necessary and Save.

NOTE: Employee TR State Credit Years Exp will automatically increment by one year when rolled up from the prior fiscal year. However, if the employee did not complete a full year of service or is not a full-time employee, adjustments may need to be made.

PAYROLL TIP: If running an extra supplemental summer payroll for certified employees, it may be necessary to remove the TR State Credit Years Exp in the Time Sheet before processing.

C.       Update FBA Type, FBA Begin Pay Period, FBA End Pay Period and FBA Coding if necessary and Save.

PAYROLL TIP: If coding changes are made to an employee’s primary salary line, and the Auto Update FBA check box is checked in PR Setup/Settings Tab, the FBA coding will be updated automatically from the primary salary line values. Otherwise, if not checked, it may be necessary to update the FBA coding manually. Also, if the employee started later in the year or changed positions, it may be necessary to adjust the FBA Begin and End Pay Periods.

Salary Tab

A.       Update Salary Lines.

a.       Edit each applicable salary line Pay Type, Amount, Begin Pay Period, End Pay Period, Fringes, or Coding and Save.

b.       Edit each Max Amount and Max Next Project, if applicable, and Save.

NOTE: It is important to update Max Amount and Max Next Project information prior to running the first payroll, otherwise inaccurate Max Amounts may cause federal project claims to be incorrect.

PAYROLL TIP: If using a Max Amount on a salary line, it will not evenly spread the amount over all pay periods. Instead, it may be necessary to enter a separate salary line for the employee’s federal project salary.

B.       Update Allocations.

a.       Click Allocations and edit the Salary Lines Allocations as necessary and Save.

Deductions Tab

A.       Update Deduction and Direct Deposit information if necessary and Save.


Verify Classification Coding

If any classification codes were inactivated by the Accounts Payable Clerk in the new year, it is necessary to verify those codes are not currently being used in the Payroll application prior to processing payroll. NOTE: This includes salary lines, allocations and FBA classification coding. See the AP Clerk for a list of codes that were inactivated. PAYROLL TIP: For easy filtering, create a customized Employee Detail Listing report and filter for those inactive codes by exporting to Excel.


i-PR/Options/Reports/Employee Detail Listing

A.       Select a customized Layout.

B.       Select the appropriate Fund(s).

C.       Select the appropriate Schedule Type.

D.      Select the appropriate Process Groups.

E.       Click Report Viewer and choose Xls or Xlsx to export to Excel.

Perform Edit Checks

Use the Perform Edit Checks tool to correct any potential coding issues prior to processing the first payroll. NOTE: Run the Edit Checks anytime throughout the year to find and correct any errors.


i-PR/Options/Tools/Perform Edit Checks

A.       Leave the Classification Bolding Selection set to STATE.

B.       Check the appropriate Edit Checks box to apply the current fiscal year edit checks.

C.       Click Perform Checks.

D.      Click the Export icon to export the results to PDF and print the report. Correct errors as necessary.